Industry Projects

Integrated breadboard 2 (IBB2)

Integrated breadboard 3 (IBB3)

Integrated breadboard 4 (IBB4)

Research Projects

h2020 ADE

trust-rob and first-rob

Path Planning in Extreme Terrains

Studies Projects

PhD Thesis

Master's final project

bachelor's final project

Integrated breadboard 2 (IBB2)

Autonomous DEcision Making for long traverses (ADE)

Official webpage:



DyMu (Dynamic Multi-layered Path Planner)
This algorithms results from the ARES (Autonomous Routing on Extreme Surfaces) collaboration activity between the University of Malaga and the European Space Agency under contract 4000118072/16/NL/LvH/gp.
Unfortunately, the C++ code is not publicly available, but the Fast Marching algorithm, used in the DyMu planner, was also implemented in other languages like python and matlab.

C++ Mobile Manipulation motion planner
This module, focused on rovers with restricted arm workspace, was implemented in the context of the H2020 project ADE (Autonomous DEcision making in very long traverses).

Path Finding with Direction-Dependent Cost (Anisotropic)
Continuous Anisotropic Model for Inclined Surfaces or CAMIS is a cost function used for anisotropic path planning on irregular terrains. It is compatible with the biOUM path planner, also implemented in this repository.
Python version
Publication in PDF

ESA Trajectory Control for ADE
For the motion planner of ADE, a path follower from ESA was used. I adapted the C++ code to integrate it into the motion&planning architecture.


Rise of Raisins
I created this game prototype by myself, making the 3d models, implementing the logic in C# and creating the animation system..

Brain Dive
I collaborated in the development of Brain Drive, a prototype game made in Unity for the Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2.


Improvements on Blender livelink addon
Editing an existing Blender add-on that reads data provided by the LiveLinkFace iOS app.

Robots for space exploration


Sherpa tt



Leo rover

summit xl


Rescue robots



Healthcare robots

simulated 6dof surgical arm


This robot mimics the Sample Fetch Rover (SFR), a mobile robot provided by ESA that was meant to be sent to Mars as part of the Mars Sample Return campaign.Unfortunately SFR is cancelled, but the experiments carried out with this rover served to demonstrate and validate its autonomous capabilities. With GNC developed by AIRBUS Defence and Space, it was capable to drive 300m autonomously.

Codi is equipped with a 6DoF Kinova robotic arm installed at its front, which serves to pickup sample tubes such as those used in the Mars Sample Return campaign.
More info here

- Roving with the buzzards: a TRL 5 autonomy marathon
- Design and Planning of Field Trials for the Integrated Breadboard 3 (IBB3): Towards the Demonstration of an Integrated Rover System in the SFR Mission Context

Sherpa TT

Sherpa TT is an articulated mobile manipulator designed and owned by the German Center of Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) located in Bremen.This robot was used in the European H2020 project ADE (Autonomous DEcision for very long traverses). I contributed to developing and validating the Motion and Path Planning solution in C++. This implementation is open to the public and can be found in GitHub

- Combined path and motion planning for workspace restricted mobile manipulators in planetary exploration
- Enhancing Mobile Manipulation with Synchronized Arm-Locomotion Control

Heavy duty planetary rover (HDPR)



Exomars TEsting Rover (ExoTeR)





Current version of the OpenUmaRov platform is presented in this video:

Find the official repo here:

I worked on a preliminary version based on the Raspberry Pi with a bit different hardware as part of my Bachelor Final Project.

Work places

A summary of the places I have been working in my career


GNC and Robotics Engineer

space robotics laboratory at university of Malaga

Research Assistant

SpaceR at university of luxembourg

Research and Development Specialist

German Research Center for artificial intelligence

Short Research Stay for ADE H2020 project (1 month)

Planetary Robotics Laboratory at ESA-ESTEC

Three Research Stays at Planetary Robotics Laboratory